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Wac Arts works with children, young people and vulnerable adults. We aim to keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe, providing a secure and comfortable environment in which they can benefit fully from our programmes and maximise their potential. At Wac Arts we are committed to providing systems for the recognition and referral of safeguarding issues and to this end:

  • All staff and trustees receive safeguarding training as part of their induction on joining the organisation. This is refreshed annually for those working directly with children, young people and vulnerable adults.
  • All staff and volunteers must apply for an enhanced Wac Arts DBS check or provide details of membership to the DBS update service, prior to starting work with us. In the case of freelance artists, contracted or commissioned for one-off activities or short-term projects (i.e., less than one academic term), an existing Enhanced DBS check may be provided.
  • All staff working with children and vulnerable adults are required, as part of their contractual duties, to carry out the necessary risk assessments in relation to safeguarding, both for activities within the building and externally.
  • All staff are provided with Wac Arts’ safeguarding Policy and Procedure document, including the Safer Recruitment Policy.
  • All staff directly delivering activities to children, young people and vulnerable adults are also provided with Wac Arts’ Safeguarding Handbook and all other relevant policies.
  • Line Managers are responsible for conducting risk assessments for general programme provision relevant to their area of work.
  • Any staff member leading specific activities, in addition to general programme provision, must carry out a specific risk assessment for that activity.
  • The Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Leads have Level 3 training. Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Leads undertake refresher training every 3 years.


Where there is a safeguarding concern about a child, young person or vulnerable adult or someone’s behaviour, it is everyone’s responsibility to report this to one of the designated safeguarding leads listed below. You must write down what you have seen or heard, report it to one of the officers below and they will then take any required further action.

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Kat Dale, Head of Learning and Participation;

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: 
Maggie Mendy, Short Breaks Delivery Manager;

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: 
Arnaud Mugglestone, Programme Coordinator;

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: 
Isaac Lawrence-Thompson, Senior Administrator;

Additional staff trained to act as deputy or designated safeguarding lead when required are: 
Ann Main, Ema Unguru, Genevieve Corben, Luigi Locorotondo, Marian Beard, Piotr Wijas, Sayful Islam, Shafiqul Islam & Thomas Sansone. 
*Please ask at reception for the name of the lead on duty.

Other Important Contacts 

Chief Executive, Bhuvan Sharma | 020 7692 5800 

Safeguarding Trustee, Dorota Dominiczak  



A copy of the Wac Arts Safeguarding Handbook can be requested by emailing

reoprt a SAFEGUARDING concern

Safeguarding Form – Wac Arts