A dynamic programme for young adults aged 14 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities. Helping to redefine the path to adulthood and independent living.
Drop-in sessions will use drama, music, art and design, alongside practical learning to explore personal and social challenges such as love, friendships, and conflict, as well as technology, travel, cooking and healthy living.
About the service:
The Independent Living Hub aims to help young people to:
- Overcome difficult scenarios you might come across on a day-to-day basis and develop skills to navigate relationships.
- Learn about how to manage your money and shopping on a budget.
- Plan recipes and cook food to share.
- Explore what their future could be, create their CV and find new opportunities.
- Organise trips to areas of interest using public transport
- Express yourself, your thoughts and feelings, write your own lyrics and create new music. Explore what your future could be, create your CV and find new opportunities.
- Connect with other young people, collaborate and share your experiences in a safe and welcoming space.
The sessions are open to all young people who fit the eligibility criteria across a range of needs. Activities will be adapted as required.
The Greenwood Centre, 37 Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB. Tube: Kentish Town, Northern Line. Bus: 214.
Tuesdays 4pm-6:30pm
- Disabled young people aged 14 to 25 who receive one-to-one community-based Short Breaks, or one-to-one support worker for ages 18 plus, or where their family receives Direct Payments.
- Young people will need to be accompanied by their own existing one-to-one support worker, provided through Short Breaks, Direct Payments or Camden Children and Young People Disability Service (CYPDS). The service does not provide additional one-to-one support.
- Contact us using the details on the back of this leaflet to discuss your child’s needs and if this service is right for them.
- Or please ask a professional to make a referral if you need support.
What happens next?
- We will find out more about how best to support your child by asking you to complete a registration form.
- You and your child will be invited to an introductory visit to show you around the Greenwood Centre and to get to know your child’s needs better.
- We can accept existing paperwork held by another provider if you give consent for them to share with us.
- Once you have registered with the service, you (or your child’s support worker) can book activity sessions with us via phone or email. This includes a drop-in facility for those who would like to access part of the service due to number of hours allocated to the sessions, or would be interested in a specific session being offered.
How to apply
Please complete the registration form below to secure your place!

*This project is funded through the Department for Education’s Short Breaks Innovation Fund until March 2024.