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Fundraise For Wac Arts

Have you ever been inspired to run a marathon, swim the serpentine or even dance continuously for 24 hours? We regularly have entries in Challenge Events, including the London Landmarks Half Marathon, The Big Half, Vitality 10k and Swim Serpentine. 

Go on an adventure, push your limits, achieve a lifetime goal— all whilst supporting Wac Arts! We are currently recruiting for participants in the following events, click below to find out more.

We are continually looking for more ways to get people involved so if you have any suggestions please do let us know.

support Wac Arts online


1. Go to and join for free.
2. Select Wac Arts as your chosen charity.
3. With over 7000+ brands to shop from, after you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Wac Arts at no extra cost to you whatsoever.

4. To make things even quicker, you could opt to download the app onto your phone or alternatively install a browser extension. It will pop up on every retailer site where a donation is available which means you don’t have to remember to come to easyfundraising first!

There are countless ways in which you can raise funds for Wac Arts. Get in touch with us at or call 020 7692 5824 to find out how you can become a Wac Arts fundraiser today.

some of our recent fundraisers in action!